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Compares two versions of the same image (probably original and recolored) by calculating the color distance between the colors of each pair of pixels.


  color_space = c("Lab", "sRGB", "XYZ", "Luv"),
  ref_white = "D65",
  metric = "euclidean",
  plotting = TRUE,
  palette = "default",
  main = "",


im1, im2

Images to compare; must have the same dimensions. Distances will be calculated between each pair of non-transparent pixels.


Color space in which to calculate distances. One of "sRGB", "Lab", "Luv", or "XYZ". Passed to grDevices::convertColor().


Passed to grDevices::convertColor() if color_space = "Lab. Reference white for CIE Lab space.


Distance metric to be used for calculating pairwise pixel distances in the given color space; passed to stats::dist().


Logical. Plot heatmap of color distances?


If plotting, the color palette to be used. Default is blue to red (colorRamps::blue2red(100)).


Plot title.


Parameters passed to graphics::image().


A matrix of the same dimensions as the original images, with the distance between non-transparent pixels at each pixel coordinate. Transparent pixels are returned as NA.


fulgidissima <- system.file("extdata/fulgidissima.png",
                             package = "recolorize")
fulgidissima <- png::readPNG(fulgidissima)
# make an initial histogram fit
# this doesn't look great:
fulgidissima_2bin <- recolorize(fulgidissima, "hist", bins = 2)
#> Using 2^3 = 8 total bins

# we can compare with the original image by creating the recolored
# image from the colormap
recolored_2bin <- constructImage(fulgidissima_2bin$pixel_assignments,
dist_2bin <- imDist(im1 = fulgidissima,
                    im2 = recolored_2bin)

# using 3 bins/channel looks much better:
fulgidissima_3bin <- recolorize(fulgidissima, "hist", bins = 3)
#> Using 3^3 = 27 total bins

# and we can see that on the heatmap:
recolored_3bin <- constructImage(fulgidissima_3bin$pixel_assignments,
dist_3bin <- imDist(im1 = fulgidissima,
                    im2 = recolored_3bin)

# default behavior is to set the color range to the range of distances
# in a single matrix; to compare two different fits, we have to provide
# the same `zlim` scale for both
r <- range(c(dist_2bin, dist_3bin), na.rm = TRUE)

# to reset graphical parameters:
current_par <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# now we can plot them to compare the fits:
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow = 1))
imHeatmap(dist_2bin, range = r)
imHeatmap(dist_3bin, range = r)

# we can also use other color spaces:
rgb_3bin <- imDist(fulgidissima,
                   color_space = "sRGB")

# looks oddly worse, but to keep things in perspective,
# you can set the range to the maximum color distance in RGB space:
imHeatmap(rgb_3bin, range = c(0, sqrt(3)))

# not useful for troubleshooting, but broadly reassuring!

# reset: